About Voice of Alignment
Voice of Alignment is the internet media expression of a divine mandate to raise a righteous generation, consisting of men and women who receive the righteousness of God through faith and live by it through daily and intentional alignment of their thoughts and actions with God’s standards, expectations, and will. The Voice of Alignment operates primarily as an online teaching ministry that reveals practical steps required in being right and doing right according to God’s standards, as revealed in the Word of God. Our goal is to make disciples of Christ, who are trained in righteousness, skilled in the word of righteousness, seek the righteousness of God above all else, and live a rapture-ready and heaven-bound life.

To raise a righteous generation.
To leverage modern media in teaching and equipping men and women to live in alignment with the will and agenda of God in every area of their lives.
Core Beliefs
We believe that;
God is righteous (Psalms 50:6; 97:2, 116:5; 119:137; 145:17)
Man was originally created in the likeness of God, possessing the righteousness of God (Genesis 1:26-27).
The righteousness of God in the first man made him live and operate right in God’s sight by default, but the sin and fall of man made him loose that nature. Before the fall, God had no need to correct or amend whatever man did because he was always right in God’s sight (Genesis 2:20). But after the fall, man fell short of God’s righteousness, and man’s actions became wrong in God’s sight, needing correction (Genesis 3:7,21).
The law leads to self-righteousness, which are like filthy rags before God, but faith leads to the righteousness of God (Deuteronomy 6:25; Romans 3:22; 1:17; 9:30)
God’s ultimate desire is for man to be a partaker of His righteousness.
The death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what it did and means, is God’s agenda to restore man to the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 5:17).
The righteousness of God in man, which is received by faith, is demonstrated by man’s commitment to God’s way of being right and doing right (Matthew 6:33 AMP, James 2:18-26).
The work of righteousness, which is man’s intentional alignment with God’s way of being and doing right, in any and every area of life, results in peace, quietness, and confidence in God (Isaiah 32:7)
Like John the Baptist (who preached righteousness – Matthew 21:32) was the forerunner of Jesus, God is raising preachers of righteousness and causing the Word of Righteousness to prevail and travail, in order to turn many to righteousness in preparation for the coming of the Lord. These are men and women (like Noah, a preacher of righteousness – 2 Peter 2:5) with a divine mandate to reconcile men and women to God in preparation for the rapture and an escape from the great tribulation.